Restart PrintSmart Pulse DCA

Please perform the troubleshooting steps below on the computer that PrintSmart was installed on:

Go to the system tray located where the date/time is displayed on your screen (typically in the lower right of your screen) and right click on the icon for the ECI DCA Service Monitor.

Screenshot 2021-05-03 at 2.58.51 PM

Select STOP and then START

Screenshot 2021-05-03 at 3.05.57 PM


Wait 10 minutes and then right click ECI DCA Service Monitor icon to verify it shows you Connected.

Screenshot 2021-05-03 at 3.10.44 PM

Should you need assistance or have any questions about PrintSmart you may reach us by email or phone at  •  206.388.1626.  Our toll free number is 1.800.244.6405 extension 1065.

**Please note that inactive DCAs are removed from the system after 45 days.***



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