Document Management Challenges and When to Invest in Solutions

Every business has to deal with documents, but there are many different ways of doing so. Some are much more efficient than others, and if you can adopt the right kind of document management, making the most of relevant tools, solutions, and services, it could transform your productivity. Let’s take a look at some key signs you need to improve your document management with professional services.

Introducing Document Management

Before we look at when to upgrade your document management, it’s important to understand the basics, like what it is and how it works. In simple terms, document management refers to the systems and solutions a company uses to process, store, and handle its documents.

There are lots of document management software and specialist services that can help you improve this aspect of your business. Don’t underestimate the influence of these tools and solutions, as doc management has a big impact on how well a business runs.

It can influence everything from productivity to morale, security, sustainability, and even growth potential. Document management matters, and a robust system will bring nothing but benefits to your firm.

Signs You Need a Document Management Upgrade

There’s no doubt that document management services and solutions can transform any business. They’ll make it easier and faster to find the docs you want while providing a plethora of other long-term advantages, too. Let’s look at some sample situations and signs it’s time to invest more in how you manage your docs.

Workers Are Spending Tons of Time Searching for Files

Are your employees wasting time looking for documents? Do you have to organize “search parties” just to track down a single piece of paper? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Studies suggest that workers can spend up to 20% of their working time looking for files. That’s a huge waste, and it has several knock-on effects.

It harms productivity, for example, when you’ve got workers who could be doing other, more important tasks spending their time seeking out files. It’s also bad for morale, as many workers don’t particularly enjoy spending their time on such a tedious task.

You Handle Documents That Contain Sensitive or Valuable Data

Think about the contents of the documents you work with. Think about what might happen if they fell into the wrong hands or you lost or misplaced some of them. The consequences could be dramatic, especially if your business handles a lot of sensitive info, like customers’ personal details.

There’s a risk of that data being targeted in cyber-attacks or accidentally ending up leaked due to an outdated document management system. It’s a real cybersecurity threat. But, with a stronger, more refined approach, you’ll have much less risk of losing your key files.

Your Company Is Growing 

Growth. It’s the top priority for CEOs around the world. However, growth doesn’t just bring benefits, like increased stability and profit potential. It also presents new challenges, especially when it comes to document management.

As your company expands, it’ll undoubtedly have more documentation to manage and possibly even more compliance guidelines to adhere to. As such, it’s crucial to upgrade your document management system to support and keep up with your growth, rather than falling behind in this essential area.

You’ve Got Lots of Varied File Formats to Manage

These days, the majority of documents are stored digitally in various formats. DOC files, PDFs, XLS spreadsheets, and the list goes on and on. With so many file types, it’s easy for confusion to arise and files to spiral into a state of disarray.

Again, document management software is the answer. It can make the process of managing, organizing, and categorizing different file formats a lot easier, saving you and your workforce a ton of time and hassle.

Your Documents Aren’t Organized

Here’s another plain and simple sign that you need better document management: your electronic files are completely disorganized. Folders have confusing names, files aren’t where they’re supposed to be, and there’s no clear structure in place to manage and store docs as they’re created.

If that sounds familiar, you shouldn’t delay. Invest in document management solutions as soon as possible, and watch as your files become so much more accessible and easier to work with. That should lead to greater productivity and a happier, more motivated workforce, too.

You’ve Got Reams of Physical Documents

These days, lots of businesses strive to go “paperless.” They want to digitize all their documentation to operate more sustainably and in more of a modern fashion. But it’s not easy, and countless offices still struggle under the weight of reams of physical documents. For many, it’s impossible to go fully paper-free.

Perhaps you’ve got an archives room full to the brim with boxes or countless filing cabinets stacked up around the office, fit to burst with old papers. With better document management, you’ll be able to finally move some of those docs out of your office space, digitizing everything to make it more secure and accessible for years to come.

You Have Lots of Duplicated and Same-Name Documents

Here’s a common problem scenario faced by a lot of businesses: you look for a document on your network, only to find a bunch of different files all with the same name, or multiple versions of the same document, without any idea which one is the newest.

It’s a huge pain, and it can clog down your business processes. Again, document management is the answer. With the right system in place, you’ll rid yourself of duplicates and same-name files, making it that much easier to find the specific doc you want, when you want it.

Take Your Document Management to the Next Level

If any of the signs above sound familiar, it’s time to make a change. Get the document management system upgrade your office needs, with the help of Copiers Northwest. We help companies in – Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Yakima, Portland, Tri-Cities, Spokane, Bend, Salem, and Eugene with all their IT needs. Get in touch with our team today to find out more.